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제목2022-2 Instruction to Tuition Payment and TIP

Instruction to Tuition Payment and Tuition Installment Payment (TIP)


1. Tuition Payment


From the 2022-2nd semester, foreign students must also pay through virtual accounts for tuition. (If you transfer to an existing school account, registration is not possible, and you are responsible for non-registration.)


Payment period and subject

Registration period: 2022. 07. 20(Wed) 10:00 ~ 09. 20(Fri) 17:00 (Payment within banking hours)

Subject: Undergraduate / Graduate Students



Tuition bill printing period


Payment period



Method of printing and Period of reading Tuition bill

Visit University Intranet (https://onestop.gangseo.ac.kr/kcu) Registraton

Tuition bill (Installment payment) Print-out


Method of payment

Print out and pay tuition bills on the Intranet

Only pay through Woori Bank virtual account (unique number assigned to each student and can be used once)

Pay through deposit without passbook and Internet banking

When sending money overseas, Send money to a virtual account based on Korean won.

(Commission will be paid by the remitter and In consideration of the commission, we recommend sending more than KRW 100,000)


 Please Note

If you have a change in the tuition payment, you must pay a reissue of the tuition bill after consulting with the person in charge of registration.




2. Tuition Installment Payment


Instruction to Installment Payment System

Gangseo University is implementing a installment payment system to reduce the burden of tuition payment.

Students who are unable to pay tuition fees in a single payment during this registration period should be aware of the application methods and precautions below and use the installment payment system.


Students qualified for Tuition Installment Payment

A person who has submitted an application within the period

Students NOT qualified for TIP

An over eight-semester students

Freshmen, Re-admitted students, Transfer students,

Students who failed to make one of payments during the last semester’s tuition installment plan

Students who have applied for a government guaranteed students loan


Application procedure and period

Students who wish to apply submit an application form after they are injured

if they are eligible for full payment at the International Education Exchange Center


Application Period




Periods and Method of TIP


Registraton Period



2022.07.20. ~ 2022.09.20. 17:00

Deposit in Woori Bank virtual account

(Credit card is NOT available)


2022.09.21. ~ 2022.09.23. 17:00


2022.10.19. ~ 2022.10.21. 17:00


2022.11.23. ~ 2022.11.25. 17:00

* Please keep in mind that deadline for each payment is 17:00 on last day of each period


Set payment amount

You can pay up to four times

The payment amount can be designed directly.

You have to pay more than 50% of the total amount to be paid by the second time.






If there’s reduction (taking extra semester or receiving scholarships), the amount of TIP is calculated on the basis of full tuition

EX) Tuition Fee : KRW 2,500,000

- Scholarships : KRW 200,000

=Total payment : KRW 2,300,000


case 1) 2nd Installment Payment

1st : KRW 1,150,000 / 2nd : KRW 1,150,000


case 2) 3rd Installment Payment

1st : KRW 575,000 / 2nd : KRW 575,000 / 3rd : KRW 1,150,000


case 3) 4th Installment Payment

1st : KRW 200,000 / 2nd : KRW 950,000 / 3rd : KRW 400,000 / 4th : KRW 750,000


Method of printing and Period of reading Tuition bill

Visit University Intranet (https://onestop.gangseo.ac.kr/kcu) Registraton

Tuition bill (Installment payment) Print

Tuition bill reading period : 22.07.19. ~ 22.09.20.


Please Note

You cannot apply again after canceling the application for installment payment.

Students who have paid the first tuition fee are deemed to have registered.

If the last of the period is not paid, it’s considered unregistered and the semester cannot be completed according to the school regulations


Please contact the teacher's office for classes and academic processing.


Tuition fee Refund

If a registrant who has paid in installments more than once drops out, it will be returned in accordance with the relevant regulations

For students taking a leave of absence, the tuition paid will not be refunded.

If there is more tuition to be paid than the tuition to be returned at the time you wish to drop out, you must pay the difference.




the department in charge


Tuition Payment

General Affairs



Student Affairs


Coursework and academic processing (Undergrad)

School Affairs


Coursework and academic processing (Generalgrad)

Faculty of Teaching


A government guaranteed students loan

Korea Scholarship Foundation


Visa inquiry

International Education Exchange Center


office hours 9:00~17:00


2022. 6


The Head of The General Affairs






첨부파일Application of Tuition Installment Payment (TIP) for Undergraduate Students.hwp
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